
Multi-model inference built for ultra low latency at scale 

Use Chains to orchestrate inference workflows across multiple models with a framework designed for performance

Trusted by top engineering and machine learning teams
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++++Multiple models. Multiple machines. One framework.

Simplify orchestration of multiple ML models, business logic services, and their underlying resources in pure Python using Chains

  • Write multi-step ML workflows in Python that span multiple models and arbitrary code with built-in code completion and static type checking - no YAML needed.

  • Define a chainlet as an atomic component that can be reused across different projects and workflows for maximum composability that is flexible but safe

  • Set hardware requirements to separate GPU and CPU workloads and define autoscaling parameters to ensure optimal performance without excess cost.

  • Deploy your Chain to production with each Chainlet specifying its own hardware resources, software dependencies and scaling settings independently, Mock and test locally for fast debugging.

1import truss_chains as chains
2from truss import truss_config
4MISTRAL_HF_MODEL = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"
5MISTRAL_CACHE = truss_config.ModelRepo(
6    repo_id=MISTRAL_HF_MODEL, allow_patterns=["*.json", "*.safetensors", ".model"]
8HF_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME = "hf_access_token"
10class MistralLLM(chains.ChainletBase):
11    remote_config = chains.RemoteConfig(
12        docker_image=chains.DockerImage(
13            pip_requirements=[
14                "transformers==4.38.1",
15                "torch==2.0.1",
16            ]
17        ),
18        compute=chains.Compute(cpu_count=2, gpu="A10G"),
19        assets=chains.Assets(cached=[MISTRAL_CACHE], secret_keys=[HF_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME]),
20    )
22    def __init__(
23        self,
24        # Adding the `context` to the init arguments, allows us to access the
25        # huggingface token.
26        context: chains.DeploymentContext = chains.depends_context(),
27    ) -> None:
28        # Note the imports of the *specific* python requirements are pushed down to
29        # here. This code will only be executed on the remotely deployed chainlet,
30        # not in the local environment, so we don't need to install these packages
31        # in the local dev environment.
32        import torch
33        import transformers
35        self._model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
36            MISTRAL_HF_MODEL,
37            torch_dtype=torch.float16,
38            device_map="auto",
39            use_auth_token=context.secrets[HF_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME],
40        )
42        self._tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
43            MISTRAL_HF_MODEL,
44            device_map="auto",
45            torch_dtype=torch.float16,
46            use_auth_token=context.secrets[HF_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME],
47        )
49        self._generate_args = {
50            "max_new_tokens": 512,
51            "temperature": 1.0,
52            "top_p": 0.95,
53            "top_k": 50,
54            "repetition_penalty": 1.0,
55            "no_repeat_ngram_size": 0,
56            "use_cache": True,
57            "do_sample": True,
58            "eos_token_id": self._tokenizer.eos_token_id,
59            "pad_token_id": self._tokenizer.pad_token_id,
60        }
62    def run_remote(self, prompt: str) -> str:
63        import torch
65        formatted_prompt = f"[INST] {prompt} [/INST]"
66        input_ids = self._tokenizer(
67            formatted_prompt, return_tensors="pt"
68        ).input_ids.cuda()
69        with torch.no_grad():
70            output = self._model.generate(inputs=input_ids, **self._generate_args)
71            result = self._tokenizer.decode(output[0])
72        return result
74class PoemGenerator(chains.ChainletBase):
75    def __init__(self, phi_llm: PhiLLM = chains.depends(PhiLLM)) -> None:
76        self._phi_llm = phi_llm
78    def run_remote(self, words: list[str]) -> list[str]:
79        results = []
80        for word in words:
81          messages = Messages(
82              messages=[
83                  {"role": "system", "content": "You are poet"},
84                  {"role": "user", "content": f"Write a poem about {word}"},
85              ]
86          )
87          poem = self._phi_llm.run_remote(messages)
88          results.append(poem)
89        return results
91class PhiLLM(chains.ChainletBase):
92    remote_config = chains.RemoteConfig(
93        docker_image=chains.DockerImage(
94            pip_requirements=[
95                "transformers==4.41.2",
96                "torch==2.3.0",
97            ]
98        ),
99        compute=chains.Compute(cpu_count=2, gpu="T4"),
100    )

Get started with Chains

Guides and examples

Retrieval-augemented generation

Connect to vector databases and augment LLM results with additional context without introducing overhead to the model inference.

Chunked audio transcription

Transcribe large audio files by splitting them into smaller chunks and processing them in parallel — process 10-hour files in minutes.

Multi-model pipelines

Build powerful compound AI systems and experiences like AI phone calling, multi-step image generation, and Multimodal chat.

Key Benefits

++++Get to market faster
with products that perform better

Reduce latency, increase throughput

DAGs weren’t built for real-time inference, Chains were designed for performance and scalability by default. Minimize network hops to deliver the lowest latency possible. Automatically scale GPU and CPU resources with demand to avoid bottlenecks and outages.

Reduce GPU cost at scale

Avoid wasting valuable GPU resources by deploying your multi-model application as a a monolith. Chains allow you to optimize cost by selecting the right GPU or CPU size for each decoupled component (Chainlet) of your workflow.

Save hundreds of development hours

Stop wasting valuable developer time building and maintaining inference infrastructure. Start shipping new AI features faster by using Chains to enable high-performance multi-model workflows at scale from day 1.

Increase industry compliance

Ensure that your workflows meet standards for HIPAA and other regulatory compliance frameworks. Self-host Chains to control exactly where you send sensitive data to reduce risk of violations and protect your customers' data privacy.

Key Features

+++++Created for engineers.
Loved by enterprises.

Support for every model

Integrate any model architecture seamlessly into your workflows. Combine your own fine-tuned or bespoke models with the latest open source and 3rd party models.

Delightful dev experience

Our SDK optimizes development by abstracting complexities, facilitating simple task automation while providing robust tools for intricate operations.

Composable and extensible

Create components once, and use them universally. Chainlets allow you to easily integrate new and existing AI technologies into a fully cohesive product experience.

Expert support on-demand

Our team of AI experts accelerates your project from concept to production. We optimize each part of your deployment to deliver the best possible performance at scale.

Volume-based GPU discounts

Get the best possible ROI on your GPU spend with our volume-based discounts. Reduce your incremental cost as you scale to realize the best possible unit economics.

Enterprise-grade security

Deploy with confidence, backed by enterprise-grade security protocols designed to safeguard your applications and data across all compliance requirements.

Explore Baseten today

We love partnering with companies developing innovative AI products by providing the most customizable model deployment with the lowest latency.