Changelog | Page 3

See our latest feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes

Sep 7, 2023

Manage API keys with new dashboard

We’ve updated your API key management panel with four key changes: Dropped randomly generated key names (e.g. legit-artichoke ) Instead, the first 8 characters of the key are displayed to make it...

Aug 24, 2023

Download the Truss of any model in your Baseten workspace

Every model deployed on Baseten uses Truss , our open-source framework for packaging models with their dependencies, hardware requirements, and more. You can now securely download the Truss of any...

Aug 22, 2023

Identifiable icon for inactive models

A small but mighty change: a đźš« icon now clearly marks inactive models in the model dropdown and model version sidebar. The green dot for active models and moon icon for scaled-to-zero models remain...

Aug 14, 2023

New model metrics views

Get cleaner, more accurate insights into your model’s performance and load with the refreshed model metrics charts in each model’s overview tab.. Monitor requests per minute and both mean and peak...

Aug 7, 2023

Stream model output

Baseten now supports streaming model output. Instead of having to wait for the entire output to be generated, you can immediately start returning results to users with a sub-one-second...

Jul 22, 2023

Stop a model deployment

If you deploy a model by accident or want to shut down a failed deployment quickly, you can now stop any model deployment before it finishes on the model page. Stopping a model deployment puts that...

Jul 15, 2023

New global navbar for easier navigation

Baseten’s global nav has a new layout that focuses on deployed models and makes it easier to get to your workspace settings and API keys.

Jul 1, 2023

40% price reduction across all instance types

Base per-minute CPU and GPU pricing is now 40% lower across all instance types, with volume discounts available on our Pro plan. We started getting a better deal from compute providers and thought...

Jun 16, 2023

Debug with cleaner, faster, more accurate logs

The logs tab on your model pages got a serious glow-up: ANSI formatting, line-by-line links, a copy button in each log. Oh, and logs load much, much faster. Unified build, deployment, and invocation...

Jun 1, 2023

Faster deployments and cold starts with network accelerator

One of the slowest parts of deploying a model—whether for the first time or as a cold start for a scaled-to-zero model service—is downloading the model weights. These files can exceed 10 GB for some...
