Mistral AI logoMixtral 8x7B

A state of the art LLM with a mixture of experts architecture for efficient inference on general chat tasks.

Deploy Mixtral 8x7B behind an API endpoint in seconds.

Deploy model

Example usage

OpenAI Chat Completions Token Streaming Example

This code example shows how to invoke the model with the OpenAI Chat Completions API. The model has three main inputs:

  1. messages: This is a list of JSON objects. Each of those JSON objects should have a key called role which can have the value of either user or assistant. The JSON object should also have content which is the text passed to the large language model.

  2. stream: Setting this to True allows you to stream the tokens as they get generated.

  3. max_tokens: Allows you to control the length of the output sequence.

Because this code example streams the tokens as they get generated, it does not produce a JSON output.

1from openai import OpenAI
2import os
4# Replace the empty string with your model id below
5model_id = ""
7client = OpenAI(
8   api_key=os.environ["BASETEN_API_KEY"],
9   base_url=f"https://bridge.baseten.co/{model_id}/v1"
12# Call model endpoint
13res = client.chat.completions.create(
14 model="mistral-7b",
15 messages=[
16   {"role": "user", "content": "What is a mistral?"},
17   {"role": "assistant", "content": "A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour."},
18   {"role": "user", "content": "How does the mistral wind form?"}
19 ],
20 temperature=0.9,
21 max_tokens=512,
22 stream=True
25# Print the generated tokens as they get streamed
26for chunk in res:
27    print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content)
JSON output
2    "A",
3    "mistral",
4    "is",
5    "a",
6    "type",
7    "...."

OpenAI Chat Completion Non-Streaming Example

The code example below shows how to use the same OpenAI Chat Completions API but without token streaming. To do this simply remove stream from the API call.

The output will be the entire generated text produced by the model.

1from openai import OpenAI
2import os
4# Replace the empty string with your model id below
5model_id = ""
7client = OpenAI(
8   api_key=os.environ["BASETEN_API_KEY"],
9   base_url=f"https://bridge.baseten.co/{model_id}/v1"
12# Call model endpoint
13res = client.chat.completions.create(
14 model="mistral-7b",
15 messages=[
16   {"role": "user", "content": "What is a mistral?"},
17   {"role": "assistant", "content": "A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour."},
18   {"role": "user", "content": "How does the mistral wind form?"}
19 ],
20 temperature=0.9,
21 max_tokens=512
24# Print the output of the model
JSON output
2    "output": "<s> [INST] What is a mistral? [/INST] A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour. </s><s> [INST] How does the mistral wind form? [/INST] The mistral wind forms as a result of a pressure gradient between a high-pressure system over the Atlantic Ocean and a low-pressure system over the Mediterranean Sea."

REST API Token Streaming Example

Using the OpenAI Chat Completions API is optional. You can also make a REST API call using the requests library. To invoke the model using this method you need to same three inputs messages , stream, and max_new_tokens.

Because this code example streams the tokens as they get generated, it does not produce a JSON output.

1import requests
2import os
4# Replace the empty string with your model id below
5model_id = ""
6baseten_api_key = os.environ["BASETEN_API_KEY"]
8messages = [
9    {"role": "user", "content": "What is a mistral?"},
10    {"role": "assistant", "content": "A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour."},
11    {"role": "user", "content": "How does the mistral wind form?"},
13data = {
14    "messages": messages,
15    "stream": True,
16    "max_new_tokens": 512,
17    "temperature": 0.9
20# Call model endpoint
21res = requests.post(
22    f"https://model-{model_id}.api.baseten.co/production/predict",
23    headers={"Authorization": f"Api-Key {baseten_api_key}"},
24    json=data,
25    stream=True
28# Print the generated tokens as they get streamed
29for content in res.iter_content():
30    print(content.decode("utf-8"), end="", flush=True)
JSON output
2    "A",
3    "mistral",
4    "is",
5    "a",
6    "type",
7    "...."

REST API Non-Streaming Example

If you don't want to stream the tokens simply set the stream parameter to False.

The output is the entire text generated by the model.

1import requests
2import os
4# Replace the empty string with your model id below
5model_id = ""
6baseten_api_key = os.environ["BASETEN_API_KEY"]
8messages = [
9    {"role": "user", "content": "What is a mistral?"},
10    {"role": "assistant", "content": "A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour."},
11    {"role": "user", "content": "How does the mistral wind form?"},
13data = {
14    "messages": messages,
15    "stream": False,
16    "max_new_tokens": 512,
17    "temperature": 0.9
20# Call model endpoint
21res = requests.post(
22    f"https://model-{model_id}.api.baseten.co/production/predict",
23    headers={"Authorization": f"Api-Key {baseten_api_key}"},
24    json=data
27# Print the output of the model
JSON output
2    "output": "<s> [INST] What is a mistral? [/INST] A mistral is a type of cold, dry wind that blows across the southern slopes of the Alps from the Valais region of Switzerland into the Ligurian Sea near Genoa. It is known for its strong and steady gusts, sometimes reaching up to 60 miles per hour. </s><s> [INST] How does the mistral wind form? [/INST] The mistral wind forms as a result of a pressure gradient between a high-pressure system over the Atlantic Ocean and a low-pressure system over the Mediterranean Sea."

Deploy any model in just a few commands

Avoid getting tangled in complex deployment processes. Deploy best-in-class open-source models and take advantage of optimized serving for your own models.


truss init -- example stable-diffusion-2-1-base ./my-sd-truss


cd ./my-sd-truss




truss push


Serializing Stable Diffusion 2.1 truss.


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