Truss 0.2.0: Improved developer experience

Truss is an open-source library for packaging and serving machine learning models. In the latest minor version release, 0.2.0, we simplified the names of several core functions in Truss to create a cleaner interface. Here's an example of the new developer experience:

Truss code with new function names

Interface changes:

  • In the Python client, truss.create() replaces truss.mk_truss().

  • In the Python client, truss.load() replaces truss.from_directory().

  • In the Truss handle, truss.predict() offers a shorter alternative to truss.server_predict(). To use in place of truss.docker_predict(), pass the optional kwarg use_docker=True.

  • In the command-line interface, the behavior of truss predict has been updated to match the Python client. Previously, truss predict ran on Docker by default, which could be overriden with RUN_LOCAL=true. Now, truss predict runs without Docker by default, which can be overriden with USE_DOCKER=true.

These interface changes are intended to improve Truss' developer experience, not cause unnecessary trouble. As such, the old mk_truss() and from_directory() functions, while marked with a deprecation warning, will not be removed until the next major version update. And both server_predict() and docker_predict() will be supported in the Truss handle indefinitely.

For a complete list of Truss changes version-to-version, consult the Truss release notes.