How to serve your ComfyUI model behind an API endpoint


In this guide, we’ll deploy image generation pipelines built with ComfyUI behind an API endpoint so they can be shared and used in applications. To serve the model pipeline in production, we’ll export the ComfyUI project in an API format, then use Truss for packaging and deployment.

ComfyUI is a GUI and backend for running Stable Diffusion models locally. It is especially useful for building image generation pipelines that connect multiple models together to create images beyond the capabilities of Stable Diffusion alone.

But once you’ve created a powerful image generation pipeline with ComfyUI, what if you want to build an application around the pipeline? That’s where Baseten comes in. Using Truss, our open-source model packaging framework, you can deploy your ComfyUI pipeline behind an API endpoint in minutes.

In this guide, we’ll deploy an image generation pipeline that uses ControlNet to let users generate unique images based on their company’s logo, like these examples:

Quickstart: try the API endpoint in less than 5 minutes

Before we dive into the full tutorial, here’s how you can get the project up and running in just a couple of minutes. To complete this tutorial, you’ll need a Baseten account and API key.

First, install the latest version of Truss from PyPi.

pip install --upgrade truss

Then, clone the prepared project from GitHub and deploy the model to Baseten. You’ll need your Baseten API key for this step.

git clone
cd comfyui-truss
truss push

To call the deployed model, you’ll need:

  • Your model ID, which can be found in the "call model" dialogue on the model overview page.

  • Your Baseten API key.

With those two values, run the following Python script to call the model and store the image output.

1import os
2import random
3import base64
4import requests
6# Set essential values
7model_id = ""
8baseten_api_key = ""
9# Set prompts and controlnet image
10values = {
11  "positive_prompt": "A top down view of a river through the woods",
12  "negative_prompt": "blurry, text, low quality",
13  "controlnet_image": "",
14  "seed": random.randint(1, 1000000)
16# Call model endpoint
17res =
18    f"https://model-{model_id}",
19    headers={"Authorization": f"Api-Key {baseten_api_key}"},
20    json={"workflow_values": values}
22# Get output image
23res = res.json()
24preamble = "data:image/png;base64,"
25output = base64.b64decode(res["result"][1]["image"].replace(preamble, ""))
26# Save image to file
27img_file = open("comfyui.png", 'wb')
30os.system("open comfyui.png")

Next, we’ll dive into the actual tutorial and build this Truss step-by-step so that you can package and deploy any ComfyUI project.

Build your image generation pipeline

ComfyUI is used for building image pipelines by connecting multiple models: Stable Diffusion base models, ControlNets, LoRAs, and more. 

If you have an existing ComfyUI project that you want to serve as an API, load it up and we’ll export it in the next step.

Otherwise, use the provided workflow that we prepared for this tutorial. The workflow takes a prompt and a simple geometric image like a logo. Using a ControlNet and Stable Diffusion XL, it creates an image with the logo embedded.

You don’t need to load the provided workflow locally to complete the tutorial (you’ll be given the exported version in the next step), but if you’d like to play around with it, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure ComfyUI is installed properly in your local development environment.

  2. Download the following models and install them in the appropriate folders:

  3. SDXL base in models/checkpoints.

  4. ControlNet in models/ControlNet.

  5. Run ComfyUI locally (python --force-fp16 on MacOS) and use the "Load" button to import this JSON file with the prepared workflow.

Export your ComfyUI project

Exporting your ComfyUI project to an API-compatible JSON file is a bit trickier than just saving the project. While ComfyUI lets you save a project as a JSON file, that file will not work for our purposes. Instead, you need to export the project in a specific API format.

First, we need to enable dev mode options to get access to the API format. Click on the gear icon in your menu box:

Then, check the box that says "Enable Dev mode Options:"

Returning to the menu box, you should now see an option that says "Save (API Format)" which will export your project in the appropriate format:

Package your image generation pipeline with Truss

Using the provided Truss template, you can package your ComfyUI project for deployment.

Add your workflow JSON file

The API format workflow file that you exported in the previous step must be added to the data/ directory in your Truss with the file name comfy_ui_workflow.json. Delete any existing file with that name and replace it with your exported workflow.

Link your model weights

In ComfyUI, you need to download safetensors files to the models directory to run them on your local machine. To make ComfyUI work with Truss, you need to provide this information, but not the files directly, in a model.json file in your Truss' data/ directory.

The JSON file is a list of dictionaries where each dictionary has two keys:

  • url: A URL directly to the safetensors file with the model weights

  • path: A relative path to where the model weights would be stored locally in ComfyUI

Here’s an example data/model.json from the example project

       "url": "",
       "path": "checkpoints/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors"
       "url": "",
       "path": "controlnet/diffusers_xl_canny_full.safetensors"

Name your model

If you wish, you can rename your model by changing the model_name setting in config.yaml.

You’ll need to change the model name if you want to deploy multiple different ComfyUI projects; Baseline uses the model_name setting to determine whether to deploy a new model or update an existing one.

Deploy your model to Baseten

Once your model is packaged, deployment is straightforward. In your terminal, use the Truss CLI and run:

truss push

Your model will be deployed on to your Baseten workspace as a development deployment, which supports a live reload workflow for iterating on your model. Check deployment progress on the model overview page, and use the logs to debug any issues during deployment.

Create images from the API endpoint

Once your model is deployed, it’ll be available behind an API endpoint.

You’ll need 2 values to call the model:

  • Your model ID, which can be found in the "call model" dialogue on the model overview page.

  • Your Baseten API key. If you need a new API key, you can generate it from the "call model" dialogue on the model overview page.

The deployed model accepts the following parameters as input:

  • positive_prompt: A string detailing what you want the model to generate.

  • negative_prompt: A string with terms that you want the model to avoid during image generation.

  • controlnet_image: A URL pointing to a square PNG image with the logo that you want to embed in your output image.

  • seed: An integer value that can be used to repeat the same image from the same prompt.

The model returns two images: one of the logo converted to black and white, the other of the final output. These images are base64 encoded, so it takes a bit of parsing to get your final result. Here’s a code sample for creating an image end-to-end:

1import os
2import random
3import base64
4import requests
6# Set essential values
7model_id = ""
8baseten_api_key = ""
9# Set prompts and controlnet image
10values = {
11  "positive_prompt": "A top down view of a river through the woods",
12  "negative_prompt": "blurry, text, low quality",
13  "controlnet_image": "",
14  "seed": random.randint(1, 1000000)
16# Call model endpoint
17res =
18    f"https://model-{model_id}",
19    headers={"Authorization": f"Api-Key {baseten_api_key}"},
20    json={"workflow_values": values}
22# Get output image
23res = res.json()
24preamble = "data:image/png;base64,"
25output = base64.b64decode(res["result"][1]["image"].replace(preamble, ""))
26# Save image to file
27img_file = open("comfyui.png", 'wb')
30os.system("open comfyui.png")

And of course, the result!

Prompt: A top down view of a river through the woods