Stop a model deployment
If you deploy a model by accident or want to shut down a failed deployment quickly, you can now stop any model deployment before it finishes on the model page. Stopping a model deployment puts that...
See our latest feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes
Jul 22, 2023
If you deploy a model by accident or want to shut down a failed deployment quickly, you can now stop any model deployment before it finishes on the model page. Stopping a model deployment puts that...
Jul 15, 2023
Baseten’s global nav has a new layout that focuses on deployed models and makes it easier to get to your workspace settings and API keys.
Jul 1, 2023
Base per-minute CPU and GPU pricing is now 40% lower across all instance types, with volume discounts available on our Pro plan. We started getting a better deal from compute providers and thought...
Jun 16, 2023
The logs tab on your model pages got a serious glow-up: ANSI formatting, line-by-line links, a copy button in each log. Oh, and logs load much, much faster. Unified build, deployment, and invocation...
Jun 1, 2023
One of the slowest parts of deploying a model—whether for the first time or as a cold start for a scaled-to-zero model service—is downloading the model weights. These files can exceed 10 GB for some...
May 26, 2023
Deploy the latest open-source models like WizardLM , Bark , Whisper , Stable Diffusion , and more from the refreshed and restocked model library. Previously, model library models deployed to your...
May 2, 2023
The billing page in your workspace settings has two new capabilities: a model usage dashboard and invoice history panel. Your model usage dashboard breaks down the billable time and total cost of...
Apr 28, 2023
Baseten has transitioned to purely usage-based pricing for all workspaces not on our Enterprise plan. There is no monthly or annual platform fee for workspaces on the default Startup plan. Plus,...
Mar 15, 2023
We paid down some technical debt and, in doing so, removed a papercut from the Baseten and Truss developer experience. It used to be that all model invocations had to be formatted as: {
Feb 3, 2023
Real-world model deployment workflows can be a bit messy. The latest version of the Baseten Python client, version 0.3.0 , gives you a cleaner path to production by introducing a live reload workflow...